The abstracts submitted will be assessed, peer reviewed and grouped by topic. Accepted abstracts will be presented as oral or e-poster presentations. All presented abstracts as oral or e-poster form will be published in the book of abstracts.
Submission of abstracts & guidelines
Abstracts must be submitted not later than 31 December 2018 by filling in the on-line submission form available at (www….). Abstracts received after that deadline will not be accepted. For every accepted abstract is required for at least one of the authors to be pre-registered. Authors are exclusively responsible for the submission of their presentation according to the abstract submission guidelines and for submitting their abstract in due time according to the abstract submission deadline. If guidelines are not followed, abstracts will be returned to sender/writer to correct them, if the abstract deadline hasn’t expired. In case the submitted abstract does not respect the rules and there is not time for correction due to the abstracts deadline, it will be disqualified automatically. As soon as the evaluation process will be concluded, all submitted abstracts will receive comments and suggestions from the peer review process. We recommend that you do not let the presentation of your work for the last week, as the electronic system can be overloaded and you may not be able to submit your abstract eventually. In case you find any difficulty in submitting your abstract electronically, please contact ARTION Conferences & Events (). The Scientific Committee reserves the right to include a presentation according to the needs of the Conference’ Scientific Program or even change the presentation type from oral to e-poster.
Abstract Content
Software Abstracts should be typed on a word processor (such as MS Office Word 1997-2003). Font, size, spacing, alignment They should be written in Calibri font 11 pt, single-spaced, without spaces between paragraphs and justified paragraph alignment. Spacing & Paragraphs The first line of paragraphs should not be indented. There should be no spaces between paragraphs: title, authors and affiliated institutions/hospitals. There should be one single space between the affiliated institutions/hospitals and the abstract text. Title The title should be in BOLD UPPER-CASE LETTERS without accent marks, as brief as possible (no more than two lines) and it should not contain information that reveal the source of the abstract. Authors All of the names should be written in the nominative in a Heading font; the surname should follow the first initial of the name; and the superscript should be inserted at the end with no space. The presenter’s name should be underlined; the superscript should not be underlined. Listed names should be separated by a comma, e.g. M. Papadopoulou1, A. Papadopoulos2Address of institution It should be written in a Heading font. The name of the institution should precede the location, if the location is not included in the name of the institution (e.g. Spine and Scoliosis Unit, “KAT” General Hospital of Attica, or Department of Neurosurgery, 424 Army General Hospital, Thessaloniki). When more than one institution is mentioned, the reference superscript should be written in parentheses before the name, e.g. M. Papadopoulou1, A. Papadopoulos21 Spine and Scoliosis Unit, “KAT” General Hospital of Attica 2 Department of Neurosurgery, 424 Army General Hospital, Thessaloniki Subheadings The abstract must be divided into:
Each section should begin with the title as written above (in bold upper-case letters without accents), followed by a colon and the accompanying text. Each section should start with a new paragraph, but there should not be a space between paragraphs. Abbreviations may be used after the reference has been written out in full in parentheses after the first appear in the text. The text should be no longer than 500 words. Approved abstracts must be presented under the topic are indicated in the program. Otherwise, as regards e-posters, the indication “Not presented” will appear next to the abstract title, and the authors may not include any reference to the abstract in their CVs.